Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birthday Tuesday

So it's 3:45pm, I am about to leave my office for the day, and in the spirit of accountability, I will say I didn't totally suck today. woo.

Last night I had a semi-healthy turkey sandwich for dinner, and got 7 hours of sleep. I think that is pretty realistic for most adults, lets not add that it wasn't 7.5 hours because I chose to stay up and watch the House series finale.

Today, Tuesday. Birthday's galore. My most favorite sister-in-law (or really sister overall) Penny and my beloved Peaches both celebrate their birthdays today, 21 years apart. The husband made the suggestion that since our poor dog is now middle aged, we should do something nice and take her on a real walk after work, oh yeah... and frosty paws, ice cream for dogs.

I really wanted to, and meant to go to the gym at lunch today for a short 3 mile run and maybe some biking, except... I decided not to. I was disciplined, ate my breakfast, lunch, and snacks from home, and didn't do anything dumb to sabotage my plan or accountability.

I still went to 6am crossfit, I didn't totally suck, I didn't die (this is actually a major accomplishment) and hopefully with a 3 mile walk tonight, I won't feel so crappy about skipping my run/bike today.

6am crossfit is really the problem with my running/biking/gym-going. I love 6am crossfit, but it means that my other workouts get pushed to the afternoons, and I find it much easier to justify skipping those than crossfit. I think the obvious answer here is to move to afternoon crossfit. There is a 4:30 class everyday, and I can always do a 6am if I really need to do something after work. I know I will make myself go to crossfit in the afternoons vs. the gym in the afternoons because I pay for crossfit. I guess I pay for the gym too, but not nearly as much as crossfit costs, so I don't really think about it.

This week doesn't really support me going to afternoon crossfit, maybe tomorrow... maybe. but with wedding events Wednesday night - Saturday, 6am crossfit will be it for the week. Also, the instructors at crossfit switch schedules again in another week, and after putting in a solid month with the one, I was looking forward to switching it up, so we'll see if maybe I can just motivate myself to work out at lunch/ after work. I almost feel like I need a running buddy to get my into a routine of afternoon runs, but my favorite running buddy is all knocked up, and at some point, a growing baby and 100* heat will not let her run with me anymore.

I don't really have any interest in going back to my old running group, I really did like the people. But if you weren't trying to run longer, and longer and longer, they really didn't offer that much for you to keep up with. I can run my own track workouts, and build my own schedule, I just think the offerings of this group weren't meeting my needs right now.

So here's to the rest of the day: not eating like crap, having a healthy calorie controlled dinner with something that is already in my refridgerator, getting some sleep, and getting in ALL of my workouts tomorrow.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Owning It

So I realize that my weight loss journey really started after my first ever race, a 5k in October of 2009. The next day I started my first blog and used it as a way to chronicle my weight loss journey and road to my first half marathon.

It has been 2.5 years since all of that started, in those 2.5 years I have run that first half marathon... and 9 more, 2 full marathons, countless other road races, got married, bought a house, lost the 35lbs I was carrying around, and now I have gained 15 of it back. I am not proud of that last statement, but I got myself into it, and now I am getting myself out.

I need some accountability, some motivation, and mostly, just another place to be honest about the journey and the struggles.

Also, I am in a spot trying to figure out how to balance running and crossfit. I started crossfit 7 weeks ago, and I love it, but it wears my body down and I have found my running slipping tremendously: see 15 lb weight gain. I was a little burnt out on running when I started crossfit, but I feeling good again, and am dying to see how to balance the two, and the rest of my fitness interests.

Goal: lose the 15lbs I have managed to gain back
Plan: Quit eating like shit and walk away from the wine.

While a lighter workout schedule has certainly contributed a little bit, the main culprit of this weight re-gain has been diet. I have been drinking more frequently, eating out with John more, ignoring the concept of portion control, etc. etc. etc. Bottom line, quit boozing, eat your veggies, stop bitching. If you want to be skinny, put in the work and discipline to be skinny. All of your pretty new wine glasses really are not an excuse to polish off several bottles of wine per week. The glasses will still be pretty if you fill them with seltzer instead.

In the spirit of accountability, I am going back to counting calories, and trying to also be accountable here with regards to what I'm eating. I'm far from perfect, so expect to see a good amount of slip ups, but hopefully I can really make this a focus, it makes such a difference.

Goal: Find a plan and balance to accomodate all of the workouts I want to do so that my fitness goals and fitness do not suffer
Plan: Running x4, Crossfit x5, spinning x2

Basically, 2 a day workouts are the goal, and as I *plan* to ramp my running mileage back up in the fall for a few longer distance races, I will either have to hope that crossfit doesn't kill me as much by that point, or I will have to scale down the CF intensity during that period. I am really committed to these 3 activities, I think they are a really balanced combination, and I think they will all complement each other to make me stronger overall at each 'sport'.

Goal: 5 unassisted unbroken pull ups
Plan: Crossfit x5

This is my big goal, as simple minded and easy as it seems. I am getting super close to 1 pull-up now, so hopefully before the end of the year :)

So here it is, my ramblings of what I've sucked at, what I'm trying to do better. And even though no one is reading this, I am hoping that giving myself a place to be accountable will force me to be accountable and take control of my bad decisions and hopefully make better ones.